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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default A great Hurricane Tip?

On 10/16/2016 12:44 PM, Ophelia wrote:
> wrote in message ...
>> District 10: Gardiner Mines-Dominion
>> Darren Bruckschwaiger was elected with 2,426 votes, topping Brian Shaw
>> (1,266) and former MLA Dave Wilson (669).
>> Wilson had high hopes of a political comeback after he was jailed in
>> 2012 for committing fraud in an expense scandal that netted a number
>> of other MLAs as well.On Sun, 16 Oct 2016 11:35:41 -0400, jmcquown
>> > wrote:

>> Got this tidbit of information passed along on the Dataw Net from
>> someone with a Facebook account. Let's see if this link works:
>> It illustrates the email I got which reads "For those of you that are
>> evacuating from the coast, I just heard a great tip. It's called the one
>> cup tip. You put a cup of water in your freezer. Freeze it solid and
>> then put a quarter on top of it and leave it in your freezer. That way
>> when you come back after you've been evacuated you can tell if your food
>> went completely bad and just refroze or if it stayed Frozen while you
>> were gone. If the quarter has fallen to the bottom of the cup that means
>> all the food defrosted and you should throw it out. But if the quarter
>> is either on the top or in the middle of the cup then your food may
>> still be ok."
>> I had a 10 lb. bag of ice in my freezer. It barely melted. That's
>> pretty much how I knew most of my thawed food was still very cold.
>> I judiciously disposed of seafood and older food items. Some items can
>> be refrozen, perhaps suffering only some texture quality. Frozen
>> vegetables are already cooked so... throwing them out is a judgement
>> call.
>> It's funny how people come up with this stuff. Would you let putting a
>> coin on top of a frozen cup of water tell you if your food was spoiled?
>> Sounds pretty wacky to me.
>> Jill

> It may, but it's not. If you have evacuated and do not get to return
> until after the power has returned, how else can you tell that your
> freezer unfroze and refroze - sure sign if the coin is on the bottom.
> Think about it and maybe the light will dawn.
> ====================
> I keep a small plastic bag containing two ice cubes and they live in a
> top baskets in my freezers. If they are melted I know I have a problem.

I could tell because the bag of ice in the freezer barely melted.
Everything was still very cold. I know better than to keep opening the
freezer, too.
