On Wed, 19 Oct 2016 20:49:29 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>On 10/19/2016 12:16 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Tue, 18 Oct 2016 22:18:26 -0400, Nancy Young
>> > wrote:
>>> In true big box fashion, I wasn't sure how big the smaller two
>>> pans were in relation to the ones I already had. Maybe the one
>>> big one was that size. Ha, the two smaller ones are slightly
>>> larger than my pans, and the big one? It could have a future as
>>> a boot tray. Geez.
>> Works great as a cat feeding tray, Scraggly:
>> http://i67.tinypic.com/nqcwv7.jpg
>Very cute. I am thinking it will come in handy for my seed
>starting activities.
I use a couple of them for seed starting, much sturdier to move about
than those flimsy/bendy plastic nursery trays.
>> The sheet pan measurements are at Nordicware.com
>It certainly grew in size by the time I got the pans home.
>Didn't look that big in the store.
I have all three sizes and use them all. I use the smallest under my
bread toaster, in fact I not five minutes ago cleaned the toaster of
crumbs and and the tray, Dysoned them.
Thing is no matter what they're used for they can easily be cleaned
and used for food.