Thread: Fall Foliage
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Fall Foliage

Got these pictures just in time, was a bright sunny day yesterday but
today it's very grey and pouring rain, not that we can't use the rain,
I was becoming tired of spending two hours a day hosing grass seed.
I planted this Sugar Maple four years ago:
Close up:
Golden Norway Maple behind my barn:
View from my bedroom window, a gorgeous maple:
Grew these purfect punkins:
The heated cat shelter inside my barn, up high where they're safe:
The cats don't climb that ladder, it's for me. The cats climb that
stack of firewood and go across that plank to get to their shelter,
there's a cat walk at the top of the barn that can't carry the weight
of much more than a cat, the cats have many escape routes, they were
born in that barn on that cat walk so consider it home: