A great Hurricane Tip?
jmcquown wrote:
> On 10/20/2016 12:53 PM, Gary wrote:
> > jmcquown wrote:
> >>
> >> Without a pass, a transponder or a resident's permission, they don't let
> >> anyone on the island. Heck, when I went home to get my car, my cat
> >> Persia (got her out of kitty jail after months of being boarded!) and
> >> some extra clothes, my mother had to call the gate ahead of time to tell
> >> them to let me in.
> >
> > Why was Persia boarded for months? WHAT??? Just wondering.
> This again? I was only expecting to be here for a couple of weeks.
> Turned out Mom needed me pretty much forever. I helped her with Dad.
> Then he died and she needed me to stay. I was living out of a suitcase.
> Persia was boarded at the vet back in Cordova. I finally went home to
> get my cat, my own car and some lightweight clothes. Yes, that took a
> few months.
Sorry to ask but I didn't remember hearing that (the cat) part of the
That's still a bit odd to me. I've always offered my mom and dad help if
they ever needed me there. That said though, I would never dream of
leaving my pet (family member) for months in a boarding place. Really?
Did you ever consider how Persia might have felt totally abandoned?
We're talking months here.
I suppose most people consider their pets as 2nd class citizens. Not me.
Any current pet of mine will travel with me. I would never abandon it
even for a short time. This is a family member with feelings too. They
love you and would miss you and not have any idea that you're coming
back later. It's not just about making sure they are fed and cared for.
I remember once my mom said, "well you can't bring a ferret here. Dad
wouldn't allow it in the house. You'd have to keep it out in the
garage." I told her right back and I was very serious, "No worries, Mom,
if the ferret lives in the garage, I'll bring a sleeping bag and that's
where I'll stay too."
I'm kind of like Sheldon when he's said, "animals are more worthwhile
than most humans." I agree.