Thread: news of Dataw
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Default news of Dataw

S Viemeister wrote:
> On 10/22/2016 8:23 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> > I've cooked croc meat for D. He loves to try new things like that
> >

> I've never had crocodile meat, but I have tried alligator - there wasn't
> much taste, and what there was, was just slightly fishy. I'll not be
> trying it again.
> (Unless I'm _very_ hungry, and there's nothing else available.)

I had alligator meat once too. This was at a friends house, not a
restaurant. Since I always like to try any food plain first (to see what
taste you're starting with), I asked for a bite of it cooked before
continuing with the recipe. It was a little swampy to me. Like you say,
fishy and even a bit muddy with swamp decay taste. Not really much to
brag about.

That said, the final dish was amazingly good after adding many
vegetables and spices/herbs. More neutral tasting chicken would have
been better maybe.

I do have a problem with how they are caught though. Just as evil as leg
traps for other animals.