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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default A great Hurricane Tip?

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 10/22/2016 11:36 AM, Cheri wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 10/21/2016 3:10 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> > On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 1:27:14 PM UTC-4, Janet wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Parents are family.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> ISTR your care of your mother amounts to a phone call once a week.
>>>> >> You're nearly 60, aren't you? So she's pushing 80. One phone call
>>>> a >> week
>>>> >> is your best shot?
>>>> >
>>>> > My 82-year-old mother is lucky if she hears from me once a month.
>>>> > OTOH, I was just over there last week to set up her WIFI network.
>>>> >
>>>> > Cindy Hamilton
>>>> >
>>>> At least you are close enough to go over there and help her out when
>>>> necessary.
>>>> Cordova, TN to Dataw Island, SC is not exactly a hop, skip and a jump.
>>>> Especially not when driving with a car-sick cat in a carrier in the
>>>> back
>>>> seat. Gary makes it sound like I committed a mortal sin because I
>>>> boarded her. Instead, I boarded an airplane.
>>> Did you explain to Persia why you were leaving her? Did she understand?

> Oh, puleeeze. You've really gone off the deep end here.
>>> And didn't you go back MONTHS later and still drive her car-sick butt
>>> back to carolina with you? Could have done that in the first place.
>>> That's just you, but not me.
>>> Everyone has differences, right Cheri? :-D

>> Absolutely Gary! There is nothing wrong with boarding a pet when the
>> circumstances call for it, many rescues are boarded for long periods
>> when waiting to be adopted and they are treated very well in the process.
>> Cheri

> He seems to think you were going to validate him. He seems to think I
> should have told my mother NO rather than board my cat and fly down here
> when she called me for help.
> I know most of the shelter cats and rescues around here are well taken
> care of. Fact is, I didn't leave Persia at a "shelter". She was boarded
> at her vet, a small location. She had excellent care.
> I suppose I could have told my Mom "no". If I had, I likely would have
> regretted it. I got to spend her last months with her. I wouldn't trade
> that for anything. Ah, but Persia was with us those months. And my
> mother actually got used to having a cat around. <G>
> Jill

On some issues, he's full of it, this would be one of those times. Many
boarding places are quite plush with excellent care, but Gary seems to think
that your cat was sitting around all day hating on you and wondering why
Jill did this to me, or remembering for the rest of her life that she was
boarded. Total bullshit.
