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Default Making a White Sauce

On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 19:14:49 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-10-23 6:10 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>daylight saving time
>>>> What a load of crap! Double boiler was used for many things, I
>>>> still use it occasionally, but never for white sauce.
>>> My mother used to do it in a double boiler. She used to make it
>>> frequently to make cream salmon or cream chicken with patty shells.
>>> It was a slow and laborious job, perhaps one of the reasons I never
>>> did it. My wife showed me how to make white sauce and it was much
>>> faster to do in the pot on direct heat.

>> My guess is that in this day of non-stick pans and microwave ovens, a
>> double boiler is not necessary. I think my induction range will do
>> quite nicely instead.

>I don't think it has anything to do with non stick pans. I have made
>enough white sauce to know that if you add cold milk to roux in a hot
>pan there will be lumps forming. You can get them out with whisking, but
>they can be avoided by adding the milk, preferably warmed, off the heat.
>I was reacting to Lucretia's accusation of bullshit about the double
>boiler, because I remember my mother doing it with a double boiler. I
>Googled it and was not at all surprised to see recipes for white suace
>using a double boiler.

So that makes sf your mothers age lol