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Default Making a White Sauce

On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 08:47:19 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Dave Smith wrote:
>> I have made
>> enough white sauce to know that if you add cold milk to roux in a hot
>> pan there will be lumps forming. You can get them out with whisking, but
>> they can be avoided by adding the milk, preferably warmed, off the heat.

>Just so you know, Dave... That's not true unless you are adding too
>much milk too fast.
>When I make white sauce, once the roux is done cooking, I leave it
>on the low set burner and slowly add cold milk, whisking all the
>time. Starting with just a slow drizzle of milk. The more you get
>mixed in nicely, the more milk you can add at a time. The cold milk
>and the burner on are not the issue, it's all about slowly adding
>the milk. I've never gotten lumps doing it my way.
>It does work fine. :-D

What he says. When I first made it I used to warm the milk but once
you know how to keep from getting the lumps and be patient, it's not