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Default Making a White Sauce

On Monday, October 24, 2016 at 7:03:05 AM UTC-5, Janet wrote:
> She wasn't their carer; far from it. The grandparents lived in their
> own home and had come as guests, like us. They only lived a mile from
> SIL but the selfish bitch rarely visited. Grandad was 96 and stone blind
> but as sharp as a tack; still running their household and caring for his
> demented wife.
> Just weeks after that Christmas dinner, one Saturday morning I got a
> frantic phone call from my MIL to get over to her parents' house ASAP
> (50 miles away on the other side of London).Their next door neighbour
> had phoned to say she thought something was wrong; neither had been seen
> out for days and demented Granny was refusing to let her in. SIL A, only
> a mile away, hadn't got time as she was about to go and play netball, so
> callously passed the message to her parents 200 miles away. They phoned
> us.
> Gran let us in, frail, pale, cold and confused, and said Grandad was
> fast asleep in bed and we really shouldn't wake him up as he hadn't been
> well.
> The old man was stone cold dead and obviously had been for several
> days. In a row on the floor beside the bed, were six plates of
> decomposing food. She said "I've been making dinners but he's got no
> appetite, he must be too tired to eat.". She had been sleeping in the
> same bed beside his corpse every night.
> The house was icy cold because without him, she didn't know how to
> work the gas meter. There was no food left in the house. Once we'd
> dealt with the Dr and undertaker we took Gran home to our place to get
> her warm, fed and cleaned up and look after her until MIL came to fetch
> her. Still no sign of, or word from SIL :-(
> Janet UK

That is just sad, sad, sad. SIL needed a leather belt taken to her
sorry, lazy ass.