Trick or treat.
On 10/24/2016 09:33 AM, Benderthe.evilrobot wrote:
> "T" > wrote in message ...
>> On 10/23/2016 12:27 PM, Benderthe.evilrobot wrote:
>>> Give them a bag of dried apricots - a fast acting effective
>>> laxative.........................................
>> Especially if they are bright yellow (means they are sprayed
>> with sulfides).
>> Stone fruit is a pretty good choice to avoid them
>> getting diabetes.
>> They probably won't eat them anyway.
> They're pretty tasty - I always end up eating enough to give me the shits.
> Kids would probably be reluctant till they've tasted a
> few...........................
> In my first flat - I run out of money the first week I moved in and had
> no food.
> Then I noticed the derelict pub next door had a plum tree orchard.
> All said and done - eating all those plums ended up serving no useful
> purpose............................
Stone fruits are all about seed dispersal. Plants "bribe"
animals into sowing their seeds for them. And make sure
their seeds don't "linger" around too long in animal's digestive
system and get digested themselves.
Are you in the UK? Has the food situation been resolved?
The low carb nuts (walnuts, pecans, macadamia, etc) are
all diabetic friendly. Maybe almonds are, but there is
an allergy in the family.
Do you have any source of fresh sea food? That is good
for you on so may levels, not just diabetes.
We don't. It is all shipped in and makes you really ill to
eat it.