Thread: Al Smith Dinner
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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Al Smith Dinner

On Tue, 25 Oct 2016 19:54:55 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 10/25/2016 7:00 PM, Je?us wrote:
>> What ARE you on about? I merely explained that crack cocaine never
>> became commonly available in Australia. Cocaine is (and has always
>> been) available, but not crack. Is that straight-forward enough for
>> you to comprehend now?


You're being intentionally obtuse, Ed. Some would call it trolling,
but I won't. Not today at least.

>> Maybe not... so here is some information explaining the differences
>> between crack and cocaine:
>> Crack is made from cocaine, however it's mode of ingestion is
>> different and has it's own set of health issues separate from cocaine.

>> Yep, you're definitely in dick mode today. All this just because I
>> tried to explain there is no crack here. LOL.

>Crack can be homemade. If in all of Australia you think it is not done,
>good for you.

Again you're putting words into my mouth. Yes, anyone can make it and
searching google will find posts alluding to that. Very, very few do
here. Cocaine is obscenely expensive in Australia (around AUD$250/gram
last time I checked), the cost of making crack is far too high and
meth has supplanted it anyway. You're talking about a handful of
people out of 24 million. We might as well be discussing making

> It is not as prevalent as it is in the US

Not as prevalent?? You're not listening. Or maybe you're on crack.
You CANNOT buy crack in Australia. How's that for being 'not as
prevalent'? If there was any demand, it would be on the market here.
It isn't, and never has been. I've lived here for 53 years. I think I
might be in a better position than yourself to know this. All you have
is google.

>but it seems
>ice is used on a par though
>Ben Cousins admitted he was a user of crack as well as other drugs.

It's unlikely Ben Cousins used crack in Australia. I've yet to see any
evidence of that (I can find references to him using it the U.S and
only the U.S). Even if he did, you've cherry picked a millionaire
sports star as an example. Naturally, he doesn't represent the typical
Australian hard drug user. You can't buy crack here. You're not being
objective about this. Crack is a non-entity in Australia. End of