Thread: ZOOP
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default ZOOP

On 2016-10-26 7:24 AM, Janet wrote:

> When I make split pea soup with a ham hock, there's a fair amount of
> gelatin in it from the bone. When the left over soup goes cold the
> gelatin will set and that soup is pretty solid. I'd never thought of
> using it as sandwich spread but you certainly could :-)

If you opened both ends of the can it could be pushed out in a tube and
sliced. IMO it would still be a horrible sandwich filling.

> When you reheat it, it turns back to soup.

It is one of the soups that I make frequently. I love that stuff. I
never did care much for Campbells canned soups, but I always like
Habitant French Canadian Pea Soup. After learning how to make it I
stopped buying it.