On 10/26/2016 10:03 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2016-10-26, Janet > wrote:
>> Why do they call it swmill gravy?
> Cuz "white sludge made from rancid bacon grease, bleached pwdr derived
> from whole grains, and pus filled moo juice", sounds a tad harsh. 
> nb
Uh... the "sawmill" gravy I've made didn't call for rancid bacon grease.
Then again, I'm not one to save bacon grease like a miser with a jar
of it next to the stove.
Bleached flour... whatcha gonna tout next, gluten free flour? A scant
tablespoonful of flour serves as the thickener, then slowly add milk or
cream and whisk. Keep whisking. Or, in your case, keep whiskeying!