On 10/27/2016 5:14 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Oct 2016 16:59:23 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 10/27/2016 1:39 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> Whatever you do, you should probably cook them by now :-) 3 days is a
>>> long time for preformed raw meatballs with a lot of surface area and
>>> that aren't shrinkwrapped :-)
>> What makes you think I didn't put them in the freezer?
> Because you didn't post a picture of you putting them in the freezer,
> therefore it didn't happen!
Awwww, did I miss a step?
> Our grocery store has taken to making the fresh meatballs, too. They
> even have these cool, divoted styrofoam trays to plop them into.
> https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h...tballs/1904741
> They're probably pretty good, but $6/lb when pork butt is on sale for
> $1/lb is not a very good deal.
> -sw