MW Grilled Cheese Sandwich? was Don't try this at home!
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 10/29/2016 4:36 AM, Je�us wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 18:00:42 +1100, Bruce >
>> wrote:
>>> In article > , Bruce
>>> says...
>>>> In article >, Cheri says...
>>>>> "Bruce" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> In article >, Cheri says...
>>>>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 21:07:37 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2016-10-28 6:25 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/28/2016 5:49 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I stopped using butter for grilled cheese. I prefer to use a
>>>>>>>>>>> decent
>>>>>>>>>>> olive oil.
>>>>>>>>>> You might have some reason for doing that but olive oil is
>>>>>>>>>> definitely
>>>>>>>>>> NOT what I'm looking for when I make a grilled cheese sandwich.
>>>>>>>>> I do have a reason. It is better than butter for the purpose.
>>>>>>>> Nonsense, nothing is better than buddah... I had a giant baked spud
>>>>>>>> tonight, never occured to use anything but real buddah.
>>>>>>>> I wouldn't eat fried eggs unless fried in real buddah. I like
>>>>>>>> olive
>>>>>>>> oil for salads but never for frying eggs or grilled cheese.
>>>>>>> I agree, nothing like butter for those things and my taste.
>>>>>> Hey, each to their own.
>>>>> That's what "my taste" means...duh.
>>>> Nevertheless, it sounded dismissive of people who prefer olive oil.
>>>> Very
>>>> intolerant and hurtful.
> (piggybacking here)
> Intolerant and hurtful? Hardly. I'm amazed how mere expressions of
> personal likes and dislikes when it comes to making a grilled cheese
> sandwich can translate into "intolerant". I doubt Dave took it that way
> or felt he was being denigrated but if he did, I apologize.
> Jill <---still wouldn't use olive oil when making grilled cheese sands
Bruce is trying to be sarcastic, witty, and wonderful, but failing miserably
everyday. Always good for a chuckle though. LOL