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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default what's driving price of milk up?

On 10/29/2016 1:07 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-10-29 1:03 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> If memory serves, the bags were half-gallon, and the frame was the
>> size of a cardboard half-gallon carton, plus a little for the handle.
>> There's a Wikipedia article, of course, about milk in plastic bags,
>> although a straight-up google for "milk in plastic bags" yields
>> several more amusing hits.

> Our milk bags are 1 1/3 liters each and sold in bags of 3 ... four
> liters. Just about everyone has a plastic pitcher which the bag sits
> in. Put the bag in the pitcher and snip the corner for pouring. The
> pitcher does not take up much space in the fridge and the other two can
> be laid on their sides or sit upright in a shelf rack.
> It works out well for me because it usually takes at least two weeks for
> me to go through the three bags, so the last one is still unexposed for
> most of that time. I get the bulk price without having the entire
> contents open and exposed, so it does not got sour.
> It costs roughly 50% more to buy a 4 litre bag of milk than it costs
> for a single litre. At current prices that means $2.80 for a single
> litre or $1.10 per litre when buying it by the 4 litre bag.

Milk used to come in 4 litre packs of 3 bags in Calgary but for many
years now it comes in 1 litre or 4 litre plastic bottles or the usual 1
and 2 litre tetra packs.
I used save some of the bags that were ideal for freezing food as they
were very heavy duty poly.