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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Freezing citrus zest? and butter stick wrappers!

"jinx the minx" wrote in message

> I was going to make some banana bread today. I had a bag of horrific
> rotten
> bananas that I stashed away for this purpose. It was a month old. It was
> also gone. Someone threw away my rotten stinkin' food. Looks like I'll
> have
> to start from square one again.
> Next time I'll mash up some black bananas, add some sugar in, and ferment
> for a few days and make some bread using the mash. My goal is an intense
> banana bread - perhaps ridiculously so. Molasses will be involved, of
> course.
> ==================
> Oh dear, you will need to have a word with 'someone' <g> I don't often
> make
> banana bread but when I want to, I freeze the bananas. I know nothing
> about
> fermenting the bananas!!

Do you freeze yours with or without the peels on? I used to throw them in
the freezer as-is, until I heard a tip to peel them before freezing and
I've never looked back! I make a lot of banana bread (and muffins) and I
love having banana mash on hand when I'm requested to make banana bread
*right now*.

jinx the minx


I just put them in the freezer with peel on! It never occurred to me to
peel them first.

Do you mash it before you freeze it?
