MW Grilled Cheese Sandwich? was Don't try this at home!
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> Coins. How quaint.
> I have a few in my office for when the urge to
> visit the snack machine overwhelms my conscience, but otherwise they
> get dumped in a jar.
I have 4 jars of coins on the edge of my kitchen counter - 1,5,10 and
25. The quarters I use for laundry. The others just accumulate until I
finally roll them or take them to a counter. The dimes and nickels, I
usually roll but the pennies end up in some counter eventually.
30 years ago, I had many containers of pennies accumulated over many
years. I had large jars, and many gallon buckets full. I finally got rid
of all of them at once. My bank had a coin scale at the time. It weighed
pennies rather than count them. I made a few trips into the bank with
this embarrassing amount. I couldn't carry them all in at once.
They weighed it all and deposited approx. $280 to my account. geez.