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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default MW Grilled Cheese Sandwich? was Don't try this at home!

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message

On 10/30/2016 4:22 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>> Refrigerators have become more sophisticated over the years and while I
>> can set the entire drawer at a different temp there seems to be lack of
>> butter compartments these days.

> It's kind of nice to know that there are problems out there I hadn't
> even thought of yet.
> ==================
> lol I haven't seen one of those either. I am not saying we don't have
> them but it is a long time between buying one fridge and the next)

They do tend to last a long time. This is only our fourth in 50 years.
First two were top freezer. Next was a side by side. Liked the fridge
section, but the freezer section was good for the ice maker, little
else. (we have a separate freezer). Latest is a French door with a
drawer. Best layout of all.

We have only 34" to fit the fridge so that limits choices. Only brands
that fit with all the features we wanted was Samsung and LG. We went
with Samsung.


Well you seem to have managed to get a pretty good one, even with those

I have a big chest freezer and a large (larder) fridge (no freezer in it).
I have a small upright freezer under the counter in the kitchen. Looks like
a cupboard but when you open the door it is a freezer iyswim)
