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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default MW Grilled Cheese Sandwich? was Don't try this at home!

Gary wrote:
>I usually keep my butter in the fridge but I'll take it out
>at least for 1/2 hour or so before I'll need it.
>On work days, I take it out when I get home.

I don't spread enough butter to worry about it; most butter is dropped
in a pan for cooking, on hot veggies, and the few times I spread
butter it's on toast, hot toast warms butter very adequately for
spreading... while the bread is toasting I slice a bunch of thin
pats... they soften about instantly for spreading. I can't remember
ever spreading butter on smushy packaged white bread, I only buy
crusty bread/rolls. The only cheapo packaged bread I buy when on sale
is for treating winter critters.