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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Bacteria on "seasoned" cast iron pans

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2016 21:01:37 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2016-10-30 6:05 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Nancy2 says...
>>>> If heating destroyed all the harmful bacteria, then it would also destroy
>>>> botulism...but it doesn't...explain that.
>>> Not all bacteria are the same.
>>> Heating to more than 185F, for more than 5 minutes, kills botulism.

>>Read it again. Heating it to 185 for 5 minutes destroys the toxin that
>>is produced by the spore but not the organism itself. It is still there
>>so if conditions are right (or wrong?) it can produce more toxin.

> One of the best and easiest ways to sanitize cooking/food prep
> surfaces is to place items outdoors on a sunny day and let the sun's
> UV rays do their thing... excellent for sanitizing cutting boards. I
> have UV lamps inside my AC duct work, all the air in my house gets
> sanitized 24/7, we very rarely get colds and then they're mild and
> don't last long. I also use a UV lamp to sanitize all my domestic
> water, excellent for preventing all sorts of infections, internal and
> external... why make the OB-GYN and Dermatologist rich... the most
> bacterial/viral laden source in your home is your hot water heater...
> may as well bathe in a sceptic tank, may as well be drinking gutter
> water. The bottled water yoose buy at the corner store is actually the
> filthist water you can drink, even polluted from those fercoctah
> plastic containers.

do you deny women your essence?