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Default Making Salsa Last

On Tue, 1 Nov 2016 22:10:47 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 10/31/2016 11:30 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Pringles CheezUms wrote:
>>>> I found a decent salsa recipe I like, but it only lasts a couple days in
>>>> the fridge.
>>>> How can I make it last longer?
>>>> Is there something to add that extends its life?
>>>> Does salsa freeze well?
>>>> It's a shame to waste it, but unless it can last longer we aren't able
>>>> to eat even half of it.
>>> Very easy solution, don't prepare more than you can eat at once.

>> An obvious solution to tell an obvious troll.

>Pringles CheezUms slipped out of my k/f so must have changed ISP' or
>otherwise shifted. At one time years ago he kept ranting about how they
>don't serve Dr. Pepper (or was it Pepsi?) at The Cheesecake Factory. I
>remember thinking "Who gives a crap?"
>At least Sheldon gave a reasonable answer even if the OP is a troll.
>Don't make more than you can eat.

Goes with the sign I posted at my chow line:
"Take all you want, eat all you take."

That's why I always use that same covered casserol dish whem I prepare
salsa for myself, because I know filled about halfway is what I can
eat at one sitting. Tonight's dinner will be a garden salad, I
already have all the ingrdients prepared and in the bowl, I know that
size bowl (24 cups) filled halfway holds enough for two, filled
halfway so there's lots of room to toss with dressing. I learned long
ago to use particular cookware as a gauge for particular quantity. I
prefer to use larger cookware so there's room to stir without making a
The salad veggies have already been drizzled and tossed with a bit of
vinegar to retard spoilage. I'm not sure yet which dressing, bottled
or homemade... with two of us I'm not who chooses the dressing. When
just me the salad would contain a substantial quantity of raw onion,
otherwise none. When home alone I typically prepare a basic
vinegarette. In summer when the garden is going we eat salad often,
then I'll prepare enough salad for two dinners... often I'll add
pasta, beans, both. We enjoy raw veggies, this is a typical winter
salad for two dinners:
I've not seen this photo in a while, my neighbor's pond on a fall day: