Today's cheddar cheese
On 11/2/2016 8:27 PM, notbob wrote:
> WTF is going on with chedder cheese!?
> Both Kraft Cracker Barrel Vintage Cheese and Vermont Vintage something
> or other cheddar cheese both taste like 3-5 yr old US cheddars. BUT! ....neither puts
> the age of the cheese on the pkg.
> Now, I've eaten aged-fer-5-yrs Vermont Cheddar. Sed so right on the
> pkg! To die for!!
> Tillamook jes took their 2 yr old cheddar off the mrkt. Replaced it
> with an 18 mo old cheddar. Then Kraft and Vermont come out with these
> no-age-given cheeses that taste really.... really..... good! Way to
> damn good to be anything other than a really long-aged cheese. BUT!
> ....are they?
> You'd think a real cheddar would advertise the fact they are 3-4-5 yrs
> old and charge accordingly. Nope. I've gotten both on sale fer half
> off. Sounds like that ol' "better living through chemistry" has
> struck again. :|
> nb
Maybe in the volume they produce it could be 4 years on today's packing
run but only 3 years 11 months on tomorrow's. No marking avoid truth in
advertising claims.
When we visited the Cabot Cheese plant they said they sometimes have to
remove product not because it is bad, but because it aged more and has
to be relabeled.