On 11/3/2016 12:43 AM, Bruce wrote:
> In article >, Nancy Young says...
>> On 11/2/2016 2:44 PM, graham wrote:
>>> Here we go again! How to pronounce "Scone".
>>> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-...onounce-scone/
>> If they wanted it to be pronounced scon by everyone, they should have
>> left off the e.
> And if they wanted it to be pronouced Wensday, they shouldn't have
> written Wednesday. And if they wanted it to be pronounced nife, they
> shouldn't have written knife. And... back on topic... Worcestershire
> sauce...
And dough and cough, I know there are a lot of exceptions, that wasn't
my point.
And those Worster people can't spell, clearly.