Thread: CoffeeMakers
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>: " RJ " writes:
>We really enjoy our morning coffee !
>For years, we've used the same drip-maker
>with the paper filters.
>Recently we bought a new coffee-maker
>that uses cone filters.
>Same water, same brand of coffee, same measure,
>and yet the brew is noticeably better.
>I'm thinking its because
>more of the water goes through the grounds.
>Has anyone had similar experiences ?

I seriously doubt it's the filter configuration, more likely your new unit is a
better designed machine, water is likely hotter and drip rate more refined....
I can regulate the water temperature and hot plate temperature, and the flow
rate with my machine. Mine is designed to take cone filters but the basket
type costs substantially less so I use those and notice no difference
regardless which type of filter.

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