> Arri London
>"" wrote:
>> We really enjoy our morning coffee !
>> For years, we've used the same drip-maker
>> with the paper filters.
>> Recently we bought a new coffee-maker
>> that uses cone filters.
>> Same water, same brand of coffee, same measure,
>> and yet the brew is noticeably better.
>> I'm thinking its because
>> more of the water goes through the grounds.
>> ????
>> Has anyone had similar experiences ?
>> <rj>
>How often did you clean the old one? We never noticed any difference
>between using a permanent metal filter and paper filters, but then we've
>always had cone-shaped filters either way. But there is always a
>difference between the old coffee maker and the new one
The OP never mentioned metal mesh filters, paper filters come in basket and
cone shape, so do the metal mesh type.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."