Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

"Bruce" wrote in message

In article >, Leonard
Blaisdell says...
> In article >, Ophelia
> > wrote:
> > But why does it annoy you so much? I don't care how people pronounce
> > things
> > so long as I can understand what they mean.

> I don't know why. It's illogical but it's a fact. There's only one way
> to properly pronounce my State.

Do you get teary eyed when you say 'my State'?

> If you pronounce it wrong, you ain't
> from anywhere near here stranger.

You got that right, buster!


It just occurred to me. Is it a parochial thing? Maybe many Brits are like
that. I don't know. I have lived nearly all my life in countries away from
my original home. Perhaps that is the difference. I can only speculate.

My likes and dislikes depend on how I am treated. No other reason.

There are many people here that I really like, but it has nothing to do with
where they live.
