On 11/3/2016 8:53 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says..
>> I really should try them. All I know is don't twist the cutter,
>> just like with biscuits. I won't be making them in the immediate
>> future (small hand injury) but I'll set a reminder. I like raisins,
>> is that a common ingredient?
> just add some to this recipe
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/tea_time_scones_77839
> Do you have a recipe that you would
>> share? You know, the easy one from early school cookery days. heh
> The first we ever made, and still my favourite, is cheese scones
> (goes well with soup).
> http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipe/346/s...se-scones.aspx
I love the cheese biscuits, I'm sure these are good. Thanks for
the recipes.
Speaking of language, some people here used to call them receipts.
That's a word that doesn't mean the same here as it does to some