On 2016-11-04, notbob > wrote:
> OK, what was that sure-fire, never fail, always works, method of
> softening lt/drk brn sugar. I've been waiting for this chance, now I
> have it. Need 1/2 C drk brn sugar fer my "from scratch" pumkin pie.
> Cough up, gang! You all assured me this was a no-fail method!!
Well, I'll be damned! It works!!
That bag of C&H cane drk brn sugar was hard as rocks. I was gonna
toss it. Then, I remembered the overwhelming, almost universal,
response from rfc.
"Put some bread in the bag, boob!"
Fer years, I've pooh-poohed this ol' hint as jes another old wives tale.
Never gave it no never-mind. That'll learn me.
nb --witho bag o' soft drk brn sugar
Thanks, gang!