Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Leonard Blaisdell" wrote in message
> ...
> In article > , Bruce
> > wrote:
>> I still think the Spanish guy says Nevahda. What you want is an American
>> twang to the word that Spanish doesn't have. I guess Americans twanged
>> away from the original correct pronunciation and the wrong way has
>> become the right way for Americans.

> As sf pointed out, It doesn't matter what the Spanish guy said. I'm
> born of and seldom leave the state in question. She's right. You're
> wrong. Come to Nevada and make a fool of yourself by mispronouncing our
> state. Most do.
> Go to Mexico, most of South America or Spain and laugh and point back
> at us. Just don't do it in Nevada. There is no argument. You're wrong.
> Where, precisely, are you from so I can mispronounce it if I ever get
> there to annoy you?
> leo
> ================
> But why does it annoy you so much? I don't care how people pronounce
> things so long as I can understand what they mean.

I agree, same with spelling etc. If I can read it or understand it, who
cares. Believe it or not, it's the world wide net and people pronounce and
spell things differently all over the world, sort of like New Yorkers
getting upset that tourists pronounce Houston Street as *Hughston* instead
of *Howston.* Just be glad you have tourists bringing dollars to your city,
state, country, whatever. IMO.
