Trick or treat.
"T" > wrote in message ...
> On 11/02/2016 12:22 PM, T wrote:
>> On 11/02/2016 12:13 PM, Benderthe.evilrobot wrote:
>>> "T" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 10/23/2016 12:27 PM, Benderthe.evilrobot wrote:
>>>>> Give them a bag of dried apricots - a fast acting effective
>>>>> laxative.........................................
>>>> Well ... Did die kinder survive the apricots?
>>> I spent Halloween visiting relatives - they kept thick curtains drawn
>>> and any un needed lights out so it looked like no one in.
>>> If it'd been as good as I hoped - there'd have been something on the
>>> news.
>> :-)
> Had there been something in the news, your secret
> would have been safe with me. Well, unless there
> was a reward, then ...
I don't think there's any set in stone rule about which direction the tricks
go on trick or treat.
Its essentially demanding candy with menaces - self defence could be valid.