Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Gawd damn it is scary to watch your election from up here. That guy is
> > a loony. He actually makes Sarah Palin look sane.
> > >

> Dave, it's scary to watch it from down here.

Seriously. I think this is the worst two choices we've ever had.
It's a lose-lose election.

It actually annoys me how the media completely ignored the other
2 candidates. I'll bet you most people have no idea what they
believe in. I'll bet most people can't even name the other two
candidates. I'm guilty of that myself.

They should have at least been offered a debate or two between
themselves on national television just to let everyone get to
know them. In the past, I might have leaned toward a Libertarian
candidate...if they had the slightest chance in hell of winning.

I'll just be glad when this is over. Thankfully, it's to be soon.