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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Pimento Cheese Nachos?

On 2016-11-07, jmcquown > wrote:

>>> According to the staff this is a big seller. Maybe the older farts
>>> are smoking something funny, too.

You can count on it! BTW, I currently live in Colorado ....'nuff sed.

> LOL Even *I* wouldn't eat nachos made with smoked gouda and pimento
> cheese.

Definitely don't buy those damn Kraft Cheese Spreads. They're actually
now $4.39 per, fer about 5oz o' crap ina glass jar. They're freakin'
'orrible!! Even when on sale fer $3 ea.

I tossed the Roka Blue. Plain cream cheese with some nasty chemical
taste. Ew! BTW, WTF is a "Roka"?

As I sed b4, the Olde English Cheddar is no longer even cheese. Some
kinda yellow semi-soft crud. Basically the exact same tasteless
glop Kraft puts in those little cheese/cracker thingies with the red
stick. I tossed that one, too.

The last is the Pimento Cheese Spread. Didn't see a single pimento,
like I usta in the old days. Basically cream cheese with some pimento
flavored chemical and dye. I saved the jar.

As I warned before, do NOT buy these things. They are NOT as you
remember. Ten dollars shot to Hell! 8|
