Scoan v. sconne
On 2016-11-07 8:31 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/7/2016 6:15 PM, graham wrote:
>> The most important thing is to get rid of those knuckle-dragging,
>> backward looking, reactionary Repuglican congressmen and senators!
> Not in my state. The Dems have given us the highest tax increase in the
> history of the state and followed up the next year with another
> multi-billion dollar deficit. Time to clean house. Present
> administration can't give it away and waste it fast enough.
Clean house? The Congress and the Senate both have Republican
majorities. The Democratic President has not really been in charge.
He should get some credit for bailing out banks and auto businesses when
there was a financial meltdown resulting from bad financial practices.
If the those businesses had failed the economy would have gone belly up.
Trump thinks that was a big mistake and that they should have been
allowed to sink.