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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default Plenty of gravy but no biscuits or chicken left. Was: Dinner tonight... Nov 6

In article >, l not -l >

> I too prepared chicken for dinner tonight. Pan-fried legs and thighs,
> gravy, biscuits, sweet potato gnocchi and steamed broccoli. The chicken and
> biscuits are all gone, my daughter having taken the paltry leftovers for
> tomorrow's lunch at work. I still have about a cup and a half of chicken
> gravy left; I am open to suggestions on how to make a lunch from it. Over
> noodles, maybe. Open a can of chunk white chicken meat and make
> chicken-a-la-king? What would you make with a cup and a half of chicken
> gravy that's too tasty to through out?

I have the same problem today with the same thing. Well, it's not a
problem. I will make bread and gravy. Pour it on a couple of slices of
white bread. That's what I do with excess, savable gravy.
This is way easier than cooking potatoes, noodles, rice or anything
else to make with it, and it's great. I've eaten leftover gravy this
way since I was a kid.
