Scoan v. sconne
On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 13:27:45 +1100, Bruce >
>In article >, Jeßus says...
>> On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 19:05:27 -0700, graham > wrote:
>> >On 11/7/2016 6:31 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> >> On 11/7/2016 6:15 PM, graham wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> The most important thing is to get rid of those knuckle-dragging,
>> >>> backward looking, reactionary Repuglican congressmen and senators!
>> >>
>> >> Not in my state. The Dems have given us the highest tax increase in the
>> >> history of the state and followed up the next year with another
>> >> multi-billion dollar deficit. Time to clean house. Present
>> >> administration can't give it away and waste it fast enough.
>> >
>> >Up here, historically, it has been the right wing that has lowered
>> >taxes, especially for the wealthier, and then gone on spending sprees,
>> >driving up the deficit. They have also been deficient in infrastructure
>> >spending (schools, hospitals, roads etc.) so that the centre and centre
>> >left governments that follow have been forced to increase taxation to
>> >pay for all those RW deficits and repair the damage.
>> To a non-American, it's amusing as hell to hear the Democrats
>> described as being centre or centre left. By our standards, the
>> Democrats are left only to Genghis Kahn.
>I agree, although isn't Bernie Sanders more left wing than the
>Australian Labor party (which, from a Dutch perspective is actually
>right wing)?
Yes, in a lot of ways. All the mainstream parties here have moved to
the right quite some time ago, but still a long way from the USA.
To change the topic slightly for a moment, I'll be in Cambodia in
about 16 hours... and I'm already so tired I could go back to bed now
:/ We might know who the next president will be by the time I get