Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 16:16:29 -0800 (PST), Roy >

> Actually if I were an American I would not vote for either of the two but would vote for the Libertarian Party. Most of my American cousins that I know will vote Democrat no matter what.

1. In this particular instance, your cousins are correct.
2. You're not American.
3. I could visualize voting Libertarian if Gary Johnson wasn't batsh*t
crazy and their platform was better conceived. Most people who vote
LP don't realize that ending the "Welfare State" means ending social
security and every other safety net we have put in place over the
years. It's a party for the rich and privileged. Think "Koch". They
wouldn't suffer if it all disappeared tomorrow and would prosper even
more if we actually let capitalism run wild. I'm looking forward to
Elizabeth Warren bringing Wall St. to heel. You can sit there and
think you're not vested in this election because it's not your
country, but unless you're completely off the grid, you are. The DOW
rose 371 points just today, because it was feeling positive about
Hillary's election. So, tell me how our electoral process doesn't
have a ripple affect for you.

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