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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Self cleaning ovens - do they *really* clean the oven properly?

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 5:06:03 AM UTC-5, Cheryl wrote:
> Jeßus > Wrote in message:
> > Just talking to Mum (who is currently making a cauliflower bake) and
> > we got onto the topic of self-cleaning ovens. I've had no experience
> > with them and would like to hear from anyone with one. Do they really
> > clean effectively or do they need a little 'help' along the way? Are
> > they worth having?
> >
> > I've been considering replacing the gas stove as it's starting to show
> > signs of wear and tear. Thanks.
> >

> The oven I have now is my first self cleaning oven. I think it
> cleans it pretty well. You just set it, open some windows
> and let
> it go. It will smoke depending on how much it needs to clean so
> after the cycle finishes let it cool down and just wipe out the
> ash with some soapy water and then with just plain water that the
> burned on food and grease turned into. At least that's my
> experience. You need to clean the racks separately because you
> don't want to leave them in during the self cleaning cycle.

Per the instructions on my range, the racks can be left in during
the cleaning cycle. The price you pay is that they won't slide
as smoothly. ISTR they recommend spraying the outer edges with
cooking spray (Pam) as a lubricant.

Cindy Hamilton