"Cindy Hamilton" wrote in message
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 5:13:49 AM UTC-5, Ophelia wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message
> ...
> On 11/7/2016 6:15 PM, graham wrote:
> >
> > The most important thing is to get rid of those knuckle-dragging,
> > backward looking, reactionary Repuglican congressmen and senators!
> Not in my state. The Dems have given us the highest tax increase in the
> history of the state and followed up the next year with another
> multi-billion dollar deficit. Time to clean house. Present
> administration can't give it away and waste it fast enough.
> ===========
> Do you vote separately for President, senators etc?
Rules vary by state. I don't know about Ed's jurisdiction
(too rushed to google; it's time to go to work), but in Michigan
you can either vote a straight party ticket (where one action
automatically selects all of the party's candidates on the
entire ballot), or you can vote for a mix of Republicans,
Democrats, and any other party that might have satisfied
the state's rules to appear on the ballot.
Then there are nonpartisan races (judges, for example) and
proposals (like, should we levy a tax to fix the roads? --
because all the money we're currently soaking you for seems
just a little insufficient to the purpose).
Cindy Hamilton
You vote for judges? You can have referenda on where to levy taxes?
In a General election, we vote for a local candidate to become a member of
parliament (MP) and the party with most MPs forms a Government. Those MPs
choose the Prime Minister.
It is very interesting to read of other ways.