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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Southern Cooking

On 11/8/2016 6:57 PM, ImStillMags wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 3:41:18 PM UTC-8, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> just two of many things wrong with these.....
> 1. Grillades is not a stew
> 2. Hoppin John is not a salad.

That runny looking cornbread dressing (image 4?) could possibly be the
stuff my ex-MIL made. LOL OMG, so there IS a southern precedent. Yikes!

Gotta admit, hush puppies are wonderful fried golden nuggets of cornmeal
batter. Delicious!

I've never had peached iced tea. Never even heard of it.

Sausage gravy, yep. But certainly not every day. And not served
poured out of a glass pitcher (that's funny!)

The image of the "classic" banana bread is interesting. It's partially
sliced and the first slice is already spread with (allegedly) butter.

What the heck are "rolled greens"? Oh, collard greens. But if you
click that little link it will give you a tip about how to chop greens
quickly. Any greens. You roll up the leaves and dice them.

It's a method, not the name of anything. People who live in the south
don't call anything "rolled greens".

Good photography on this food stuff, that's for sure. It's a fun
photo gallery. Except every few clicks you have to choose to SKIP an AD.
