Thread: what's up?
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default what's up?

"The Greatest!" wrote in message

dsi1 wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 8:10:06 PM UTC-10, tert in seattle wrote:
> > everyone glued to the TV or something?

> It's a truly historic moment!

This is third most "shocking + historic" moment of my lifetime. The first
was JFK's assassination in '63, the second the fall of the Berlin Wall in
'89, and now Trump's election...all were totally unexpected.

I was expecting to fall asleep last night around 9:00 PM, glumly retiring
after Hillary's election was announced/ fact I was up until 2:30
AM, gobsmacked by the returns.

Can't say I - or we - haven't lived in "interesting times"




Sounds like our awakening this am (but much later) )) Interesting times
