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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Oh My Gawd...What Hath The Silent Majority Wrought?

"The Greatest!" > wrote in message
> BigC300 wrote:
>> Total control of the United States Government

> Isn't it EXCITING...doesn't it fill you with a type of SEXUAL
> ENERGY...sorta like the exhilaration of an EXTENDED ORGASM...!!!???
> The kind of energy that makes an old guy "feel like 18 again"...and an old
> gal jonesing to cast off her girdle and Supp - hose...
> Whatever side of the political fence yer on, you should feel
> ;-)
> --
> Best
> Greg

LOL, except I don't know any old gals that wear girdles. One thing I do find
funny is all the celebs who were going to leave the country if Trump won.
Beyonce, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen etc. at least they can afford a private
jet in which to do that, I mean, don't stay and try to make things better
during the time or anything like that, nah, just throw a little temper
tantrum because you didn't get your way...don't let the door hit you on your
way out.
