Thread: what's up?
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default what's up?

"The Greatest!" wrote in message

Ophelia wrote:

> "The Greatest!" wrote in message
> ...
> dsi1 wrote:
> > On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 8:10:06 PM UTC-10, tert in seattle
> > wrote:
> > > everyone glued to the TV or something?

> >
> > It's a truly historic moment!

> This is third most "shocking + historic" moment of my lifetime. The first
> was JFK's assassination in '63, the second the fall of the Berlin Wall in
> '89, and now Trump's election...all were totally unexpected.
> I was expecting to fall asleep last night around 9:00 PM, glumly retiring
> after Hillary's election was announced/ fact I was up until
> 2:30
> AM, gobsmacked by the returns.
> Can't say I - or we - haven't lived in "interesting times"
> ;-)
> Greg
> =====================
> Sounds like our awakening this am (but much later) )) Interesting times
> indeed

Ms. O, being in the US today is as fun as, well, as fun as being at a FUN
FAIR...with unlimited tickets for rides, and unlimited money for sweets and

This election is a HUGE HUGE deal, just as Brexit was in the UK. The
neoliberal elites are being jolted out of the complacency...Trump DEMOLISHED
THE HELL out of not only the Republican Party, but also the Democratic
Party, and the Mainstream Media - or as you in the UK call them, "the
chattering classes". To see these media pundits braying is a delight to

I expect that the mood at the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington DC
today is much akin to the East German Communist Party headquarters in East
Berlin the day after the Berlin Wall fell - utter and complete devastation,
e.g. "But, but...we don't have a reason to EXIST anymore...!!!" I love

Much good will eventually come out of this political "cleansing"...and for
**both** sides of the political spectrum.


I am very pleased you are so happy with it)) Keep your fingers crossed
for us to get a clean break from the EU. So many dirty games afoot to
nulify what our people voted for.
