Drones Delivering Food...!!!???
dsi1 wrote:
> There's nothing wrong with using pop culture references. Using them as grounds for intellectual superiority is something only a real goober would do. If one has claims of having some expertise and insight in AI, citing the Terminator movies does little to enhance one's credibility.
Right back at ya, island boy -
OK jackass. All I said was that your CONSTANT guessing ant worthless
predictions of the future (YAWN) are not worthy of Nostradamus. It's old
school science fiction stories about AI and machines taking over the
world. Terminator movies were exactly all about that. War Games was
about AI and controling humans. Many movies have covered it all long
before you started guessing about the future.
All of your guessing and in the future comments have already been here
and done that. Perhaps you should try living in the 'present'. It's all
you will ever know. Don't lose face.
Let me add this. I really hate writing meanly to someone like you too.
You're a decent fellow, imo. You pick on me though and I'll be right
back at you in your face. It's the RFC way. Not that my opinion counts
for anything here. It's just mine. I'm also a RFC jackass. Many here
will agree too! heheh
I suspect I myself have lost face here.