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In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> > Ya. I'm around "here" too, and Market BBQ surely tops Dave's for ribs
> > (for me). Dave's is ok, but maybe not quite right for serious eaters.
> > Good experience, nice bar, some of them have entertainment, but...
> > not-quite-there, foodwise.
> >
> > Pickled Parrot, though... love the spice, my favorite. Wish they hadn't
> > moved far away from me.

> Do they still exist, Jack? Last I knew they'd moved to Cty. 42 in Apple
> Valley -- and that's now a Bilimbi Bay spot. Dave also has a piece of
> Bilimbi Bay. I had a forgettable meal there.

The ownership of Pickled Parrot kind of shuffled and Dave bought in
when they decided the concept could be franchised. I kind of liked
Pickled Parrot, and will admit to not ever having eaten at a Bilimbi
Bay, but, with so many other good places to eat, why ... ??
> > Been wanting to try Ted Cook's. Sure doesn't look like much, but I've
> > heard good reports. (Storefront with a counter and maybe a bench...
> > shabby street).

> Same here. My niece loves it. And it's only a block or two from a LRT
> stop. This could mean supper on the way home from downtown. :-)

That's probably the last good BBQ place in The Cities I haven't been
to. Gotta try it.

> > I always get a kick out of a meal at Lee & Dee's... kids bringing out
> > the food sometimes... family atmosphere, good catfish, cornbread. Ribs
> > "good." Two booths (you could probably stuff six people in each),
> > takeout is popular.

> Steve Dropkin has been Rob's and my tour guide for restaurants other
> than the three where we usually eat out. Thank God for Steve. He took
> us to Lee's and Dee's about a year and a half ago. I had some great
> cooked greens there. Liked the ribs, too.

*:-) Lee will serve 'em dry, if you ask ... And Ithink I have to cook
greens for you sometime.
