Oh My Gawd...What Hath The Silent Majority Wrought?
"The Greatest!" > wrote in message
Cheri wrote:
> "The Greatest!" > wrote in message
> ...
> > BigC300 wrote:
> >
> >> Total control of the United States Government
> >
> >
> > Isn't it EXCITING...doesn't it fill you with a type of SEXUAL
> > ENERGY...sorta like the exhilaration of an EXTENDED ORGASM...!!!???
> >
> > The kind of energy that makes an old guy "feel like 18 again"...and an
> > old
> > gal jonesing to cast off her girdle and Supp - hose...
> >
> > Whatever side of the political fence yer on, you should feel
> >
> > ;-)
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best
> > Greg
> LOL, except I don't know any old gals that wear girdles. One thing I do
> find
> funny is all the celebs who were going to leave the country if Trump won.
> Beyonce, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen etc. at least they can afford a
> private
> jet in which to do that, I mean, don't stay and try to make things better
> during the time or anything like that, nah, just throw a little temper
> tantrum because you didn't get your way...don't let the door hit you on
> your
> way out.
Yes, I'm reading that Hill's supporters in Hollywierd are "devastated",
"aghast", etc....
I remember this past spring or so when George Clooney threw a schwanky
fundraiser for her, when asked about it, he said something along the lines,
'Yeah, I know, it IS a lot of money..."
Hillary's "Let 'em eat cake" mantra did not digest well with us ordinary
rubes, when asked about the obscene amount of bucks she was getting for
those Wall Street speeches, her lame - o answer was, "Well, that's what they
offered to pay me...!!!"
A few months back when she was asked about the huge fortune she and Slick
had acquired after leaving the White House, she responded with poor -
mouthing about "mortgages we owed, Chelsea's college costs, we were, you
know, just an ordinary family struggling to pay the bills..." She was
carrying on like a welfare mom at month's end worrying about how to stretch
the food stamps, or that destitute Chelsea would have to go to Cowtown
Junior College and hold down two shifts at Burger Wrangler to afford it. I
mean, REALLY...???
I've nothing against amassing wealth, that's what the free - market system
is all about, but ya gotta pause and think how the Clintons went from
"penury" to a $200 million fortune in a little over 15 years...especially
since neither has ever earned a penny in the private sector...they were
always sucking off the public teat.