"Bruce" > wrote in message
> In article > , Janet
> says...
>> In article >, says...
>> >
>> > Bruce wrote:
>> > >
>> > > It's funny that the simpletons who voted for Trump...
>> >
>> >
>> > Really? Et too, Bruce?
>> > The "simpletons that voted for Trump?" Try the majority of americans.
>> Nope. Trump won the majority of the *Electoral College* vote.
>> More Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump.
>> http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/09/po...trump-hillary-
>> clinton-popular-vote/
> Almost half the voters voted for Trump. That's sad. That's a lot of Joe
> Sixpacks with their Cheri style wives.
LOL, one could only hope so, as opposed to someone with a melon-headed style
husband like the John/Bruce/?/ troll who's idea of transparency is looking
inside his head and finding nothing there.