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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default It's that time of year..... fruit cake

On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 11:55:29 AM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> I made mine today. I went out yesterday and got the raisins, glazed red
> and green cherries, pineapple, eggs, butter, flour..... I got up this
> morning and set the two pounds of butter out to soften up and mid
> morning I got started. Things seemed to work smoothly.
> After I put the first batch into the oven and started preparing the
> second batch I realized that I had forgotten to add the vanilla in the
> first batch. Perhaps it will not be a big a problem. I always douse the
> cakes with a lot of brandy. I am thinking that I can add some vanilla to
> the brandy that I use on the first batch of four cakes. It will be
> wrapped up and put into the freezer for a month and a half. The way I
> see it is that if that 6 weeks is enough time for the brandy to permeate
> the cake, then it should be able to infuse the entire cake(s) with the
> vanilla.
> At any rate, that is my first foray into Christmas baking. I need to get
> some more butter and work on shortbread, which also needs time to
> develop good taste and texture. One of these days I will pick up some
> mincemeat and make a few dozen tarts.

I used to make fruitcake with my mom. It was the only activity that we did together. These days I don't make fruitcake but I'm glad that I got to spend that time with my mom because it was our time exclusively.