On 11/10/2016 4:42 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 11/10/2016 1:17 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the sweet potatoes that remind me
>> a lot of chestnuts in flavor. I know you were thinking of the usual
>> orange type so I get why you didn't see the similarity.
>> Guess what they talk about in the latest TJs Fearless Flyer. They
>> back up my observation:
>> http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/3243
> Thanks for the link. True, I couldn't really relate. The only time I
> buy sweet potatoes are at the farm stand, and natch they're the orange
> type so common down here. I can't looking for sweet potatoes at a
> grocery store in recent years. I might have to look for some of those
> purple things.
I think of them as red, myself. If you do find them, I hope you
like it, but you never know. Some woman at Delicious Orchards asked
me about them. I said I love them, they remind me a lot of chestnuts.
She said I hate chestnuts and we had a laugh. No red sweet potatoes
for her.