"First Lady Melania Trump"
In article >, Brooklyn1
> On Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:20:06 +1100, Bruce >
> wrote:
> >In article >, The
> >Greatest! says...
> >>
> >> What...if she was *your* daughter wouldn't you want her to marry a
Donald rather than some poor schmuckola...??? Wouldn't you want your
daughter to have nice things, a life sans monetary stress...???
Wouldn't you want her to have the resources to *stay* beautiful - as
Melania is - and not have to slave as a pizza waitress or washerwoman
until her end days...???
> >
> >Of course I wouldn't want my daughter to marry a schmuck like that.
> Who would want their daughter to marry an impoverished putz like
> you... and you're obviously an ugli putz because no one here has ever
> seen you... I can't imagine some good looking faggot would want you...
> you'd be lucky to be with some homely transvestite freak.
LOL, have another drink, Shelly.